How to Pick the Right Drapes for Different Rooms
People should love where they live. When homeowners need to pick custom drapes for a particular room in their house, they should consider a few different factors. With some careful thought and research, the right drapes can help make a house feel like a home. Of course, drapery should regulate the amount of light entering a room to the owner’s liking. However, the aesthetics of the drapes themselves are just as important. Here are a few tips for choosing drapery: Location, Location, Location First of all, where in the house is the room? And where in the room are the windows? These might seem like obvious questions, but they are worth getting out in the open. The location of a room and its windows can determine the type of drapes that should go there. For example, people might want thicker drapes if a room’s windows face east. Otherwise, they could end up getting blinding sunlight in their eyes every morning. Conversely, people might want lighter drapes for rooms in areas that...